well well well, ceyh! tetibe je kan..
setelah sekian lame ai menahan dr lapa dan dahaga...eceh! ap neyh woiiiiiiiii...
oukayh2 actually nk ckp setelah sekian lame ai xdpt meng"online"kn diri kini bwu larh bejaya...wah!! poyo tol statement ko...isk3, anyway....actually wireless kt gurl hostel rosak so cam ai pown x dpt nk online so blog pown x dpt nk update so cam bosan jgk so ai blk je uma ai trus online nk check mail nk check facebook fren request pvt messages dgn notification ap sume kn... ececece...bajek fofular ar tue....idok ler....bosan mar....heheh....
ouh yah! i ady watch tht mod musical "SHOUT"... sgt2 best oukayh....i was stunned...its kind of a broadway musical performance...d casts? Ning Baizura as orange girl, Tria Aziz as green girl, Shanel Shanty as red girl, Tisha Zarina as blue girl, Nikki Palikat as yellow girl& Joanna Bessy as a advice columnist called Gwendolyn Holmes... y they used colour? well, its lyke the personality & character of each cast.for example, the orange girl is the full tym housewife with family.the goody type. the blue girl is a very sophisticated women very attractive and can attract guys.while the green girl they describe it as a "SLUT"! yahp, they really did...hahah... dun u just luv how it sounded lyke??? slut...huhuw~ anyway the red girl is the innocent one.massive glasses, decent clothing & stuff.....she is my favourite... :) ouh yeah, some of u must be thinking y SHOUT ryte? well,actually... SHOUT is a magazine in year 1964...each of the girl will write to Holmes & she will reply with quite useless advice & the girls whud just believe watever she said...
that a bit here & there....
m excited really....we have the so called "special excess" to the seats....ouh heaven kayh...we were treated lyke vvip! wow! hahah...i'll definately come again...u guys shud try & experience it urself... :)
setelah sekian lame ai menahan dr lapa dan dahaga...eceh! ap neyh woiiiiiiiii...
oukayh2 actually nk ckp setelah sekian lame ai xdpt meng"online"kn diri kini bwu larh bejaya...wah!! poyo tol statement ko...isk3, anyway....actually wireless kt gurl hostel rosak so cam ai pown x dpt nk online so blog pown x dpt nk update so cam bosan jgk so ai blk je uma ai trus online nk check mail nk check facebook fren request pvt messages dgn notification ap sume kn... ececece...bajek fofular ar tue....idok ler....bosan mar....heheh....
ouh yah! i ady watch tht mod musical "SHOUT"... sgt2 best oukayh....i was stunned...its kind of a broadway musical performance...d casts? Ning Baizura as orange girl, Tria Aziz as green girl, Shanel Shanty as red girl, Tisha Zarina as blue girl, Nikki Palikat as yellow girl& Joanna Bessy as a advice columnist called Gwendolyn Holmes... y they used colour? well, its lyke the personality & character of each cast.for example, the orange girl is the full tym housewife with family.the goody type. the blue girl is a very sophisticated women very attractive and can attract guys.while the green girl they describe it as a "SLUT"! yahp, they really did...hahah... dun u just luv how it sounded lyke??? slut...huhuw~ anyway the red girl is the innocent one.massive glasses, decent clothing & stuff.....she is my favourite... :) ouh yeah, some of u must be thinking y SHOUT ryte? well,actually... SHOUT is a magazine in year 1964...each of the girl will write to Holmes & she will reply with quite useless advice & the girls whud just believe watever she said...
that a bit here & there....
m excited really....we have the so called "special excess" to the seats....ouh heaven kayh...we were treated lyke vvip! wow! hahah...i'll definately come again...u guys shud try & experience it urself... :)

nah, in case u all x caye i pegy kn....