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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

same ta?

oukayh2, gamba gedik jee...hehe...
actually na tunjuk style hijab i yg baru....
if any1 knws maria elena....dye yg aja....
so sajee na tiru....oooooo...copycat.....
actually senang jee ouh...very ease tayah ikat ketat2....
can breath, eat,talk easily...hehe....
jowm tgk gamba gedik yg laen?

gedik kn?haih....tahuuuuuuuu....
haha..oukayh...pape pown mari kite tdow!

ta puas haty

i was reading about the human revolution...
alarh, all those about how human looks like few decade before....
scientist and DR does their research & they summarize their so called research by saying that before us "homo-sapien" we were monkeys, chimps....blablabla....
& this 1 particular theory that support this statement...
Da vince theory of evolution i think..... as a student of language i have to learn this psycholinguistic lesson...
if only i chud say to his face "u r insulting religion ass***!"
Sorry if my entry this tym sgt2 emo & bersifat keagamaan sket....
seriusly, monkeys???chimps? worst! gorillaz? wth????
Allah bg kite darjat tinggi oukayh dr binatang....despite manusia yg perangai kalah binatang...yg tu ta kire....
how do i put this??hummm....manusia punya akal....binatang ad otak tp tade akal....fhm?

come i educate u da vince....