hello gorgeous....
semalam kan my officemate told me this 1 story of her so called friend...
thinking about it makes me want to slap him so hard that his head will fall out...
oukay yeah its a him.....
grrrr.... I think if u guys baca pun mesti geram....
ok so story goes like this
she : do u remember addy?
me : which 1?
she : alaaa that AM for S***** tu... yg pkai speck tu...
me : ouh...why?
she : u know wat he told me his life is in deep shit. he don't have strong feelings for his
WIFE anymore. I asked why? N u know wat he said???
me : huh? really? but I thot he got daughter?y eh?
she : he said WIFE tak layan dia macam dulu... I asked him does he know the reason for that,did he talk to
his WIFE about it.. N u know wat he said???? the WIFE SIBUK JAGA ANAK!!!!!
(rasa nak lempang ke rasa nak terajang??)
me : wat?????
she : I asked him....betul2 tak layan u or wat?He said his WIFE don't pamper him like she used to. She still
layan but not as much as last time when it was just them both...
me : OMG! WIFE dia kena la jaga anak habis tu nak harap kau ke? complain je tahu... anak kau jugak
kan?lain kali jangan ngada2 nak anak...
she : And u know wat he now GOT FEELING FOR SOMEONE ELSE...
me : who? people in S***** jgk?
she : I think so sbb I pernah nampak dorg dkt klcc... anak dia comel kot... I suruh dia insaf & ingat tuhan..
me : mengigil sbb geram & marah -__-''
(dialog ni dah di ubah suai)
ya Allah knp la ada manusia macam ni?? dah ada WIFE and ANAK... kenapa nak curang ni? knp nak ada orang lain? wat if ur wife plak buat mcm tu? sakit tak? eh jangan tak thu ada tau wife yg curang, dah ada anak comel plak tu still nak curang... haih... igt tuhan la... hidup ni kejap je... nanti Allah balas cash je kt awk... dah wife sibuk jaga anak why don't u tolong? then nak manja2 dgn wife time tu manja la...mesti u rasa lagi happy sebab u have 2 most precious people that not everyone can have...
ada yang nak kawen but tade calon... yang cuba bertahun2 nak anak tak dapat... ni Allah dah bagi... knp nak sia2kan? wife tu tanggungjawab anak tu amanat...thu?
sama je la yg wife pun...knp nak curang? patutnye bila dah kawen ur lover ur scandal ur sugar daddy ur muffin is ur HUSBAND... Allah dah bg yg halal for god sake! bukak mata besar2 bole? knp gatal nak pasang lain??? cantek mcm mn pun awk kalau curang nampak buruk sangat thu????!!!!
taknak la curang2...best ke dpt cheat on ur partner? why don't u cherish every moment u have together...
ada yang wife dduk KL husband kena keje kt london ke haaa...
marriage is not a plaything...

death is a guarantee!

that is ur WIFE/HUSBAND u idiot!!
pray for my family murah rezeki k? tq. ^_^