tadaaaaaa! haaaa...in d previous update i ad ckp yg me, my mum & my sis na break our fast kt luar kn?so here goes...we went to Restaurant Wadi Hadramawt,jalan Ampang..kL...
neyh owg yg excited lebeyh ta pena buke luar...cun gak kn??ahahahah...lempang~ anyway,our table is 31.....motif??saje je...kowt korg tacaye kn....haha...poyo~
salam....m home, yayyy! :)ouh yah, finished my cluz at 430 then rushed bak home...well not actually rushing tho m enjoyin all d way...singing along...smiling....thinking...anyway...y m so excited to go bak???its actually bcuz of my dalink mummy...my mum called me around 2 or smtg the conversation goes a bit lyke this :me : ye ma?mama :nina...nina balik hari neyh ke esk pagi?(i start to have this feeling)me :lepas cluz nina balik ma,knp?mama : tade, k.zyra pown ad same so ingat na mkn luar...me : lps cluz nina balik, insyaAllah ma...mama : oukayh, elok2 bwk kete...what feeling u ask me??this feeling when u have so much to do & suddenly its lyke someone help u & its all done...the feeling of relieved or smtg...i just chudnt explain...so i just cant wait to go home...then once i reach home i saw mama's car so means she is in....so i took my luggage & go in d house but it was quiet as if no one is in it...so i walked in & gv salam... suddenly mama said out loud"ooooo...anak saya da balik, sy igt org laen.." to our helper kak imah...i was so happy to hear that seems lyke she is so happy m home... :))then we waited 4 azan & we break our fast & then went out....