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Monday, October 3, 2011

my everyday product

 hye, teringin plak na share dgn korang about produk that i use....hehe....saje2 jela...nuthin special...if korang ad na share product yg korang gune....go ahead kayh...comment je kat entry neyh... : ) 

versi hitam putih....

oukayh so barang2 kat atas neyh is d recent products i'm using
according to its order

Olay moisturizing lotion (highly recommended)
Clean & Clear spf lotion
Silkygirl foundation
Elianto foundation
(for long hours i used both)
Avon simplypretty loose powder
Pixy compact powder
Aily's compact powder
(i used both)
M.A.C blusher
(pasar mlm brand)
Cosway eye shadow pallet
(jarang pakai cuz i dun lyke eye shadow much)
SilkyGirl liquid eyeliner(hard brush)/
 In2It liquid eyeliner (soft brush)
( for lower eyelid,easy to remove)
SilkyGirl Hi-Definition mascara
(i dun lyke lipstick but my lips sgt2 dry so kna jgk pkai vaseline neyh)
SilkyGirl SPICE perfume...



tipuuuu jeeeeee!!!!! tasuke larh tipu tipu neyh!!!!! cakap larh betol2.....!
asek tipu jee....!!! if awk kna tipu marah ta????
isk! penipu!!!!!!
tasuke! benci twu!!!!!
dulu tipu skrg pown na tipu jgk!!!!!
takpe!!!! tgk naty i'll do d same...lagy teruk pown bleyh!
jgn cabar eyh!
aq jee na jg haty kaw!!!!!!
kaw pena ke na jg haty aq?????
kaw same jela cam dorg tu.....
slame neyh aq diam jee....
bile aq diam kaw pown ambek mudah...
now kaw tgk aq cane....
aq penat larh, asek jg haty org tp org tapena na jg haty aq....
sume aq jee yg salah!!!!!!!!!!!!!
now aq na jd heartless....
kaw na sgt kan...