Hello lovely people! Happy Saturday...
harini macam terajin plak bukak pc lalu terupdate... ok la tu kennnn....
so program for today is laundry & packing... Alhamdulillah managed to washed lil ninja''s clothes,folded & packed... just realize that baju dia tak cukup lagiiiii....ngeeee~ hw eh? 1 more month to go... this month nyer budget dah over the limit...huhu... truthfully told rasa mcm nak beli everytg yg we all nampak, baju kakak dia mmg byk especially romper but the problem is what if yg kt dlm ni boy?? takkan la mommy nk bg u pakai baju bunga2 ur kakak?? ish, if yg ni pun girl, ok la jgk... Alhamdulillah really dun mind about the gender... just want the baby to be healthy & fat like kakak...hehe~
Anyway, yesterday I was really worried abt the breech problem... been reading about it non stop... MashaAllah... Don't even know who to talk to... Ya Allah please o please make it easier for me & the baby... its 33weeks, doc said not to worry they'll have it check on 36weeks... but what if it remain in tht position? then I'll have to do the ECV(External Cephalic Version) & for all I know from all the reading it is PAINFUL.! haaaaaa.... & the chances are 50-50.. & if it fail means I have to go thru C-sect right away.. & C-sect is not very pleasant not that I ever had c-sect but from observation & reading as well... It take time to recover & the next pregnancy will be in higher risk.... MashaAllah....
Anyway, enough about that.. I wanted to blog about this long time but cant seems to transfer any pic...
well this was on EID.. We went to Sayla's place for raya...

nothing much to say... US ^_^
reached there around 6 if I'm not mistaken... waited for the rest then chit chat a bit... the we ate... Sayla made soto/meehoon sup... Went home almost 11...
pray for my family murah rezeki k? tq. ^_^