Heyya people! Happy Sunday! ^_^v
sorry didn't manage to update any entry yesterday.. was too busy resting at home...huhu ;p
I did went out actually, but very late... after maghrib me & hubs went out to buy Dinah's milk & iron board... haha! the old one eventually need to retire.... Hubs got that ever since he was in college...phew!
anyway, lets continue with Eid in Penang entry shall we?
here goes...
So on day 3 abg promise to take us to Penang Hill also known as 'Bukit Bendera'... We wanted to go early in the morning but abg came a bit late... We stopped by mama's hotel to chill the kids were at the swimming pools... & when Dinah saw she was so excited but her old swimsuits cannot fit her no more! upsy! :p so daddy decided to just buy new one for her instead... We tried to buy for her at the mall but it was too expensive... -_-'' 1 suit cost us around $80!!! thank god at the hotel they do sell at a very much cheaper price... $45 quite reasonable...

early morning walk...

she was so excited when she saw the 'wower' (flower) along the way....

tadaaaa! ouh my baby is growing fastttttt... :'(

off to the pool with her cousins... But initially they can't carry her that long....
did I mention she is super heavy???

still trying to carry her...

Lastly daddy had to jump in & safe the day! that pants also bought at the same place...

After swimming we went straight to Penang Hill...

waiting for the train....

daddy was trying to divert her attention because she was beginning to be cranky...

FINALLY!! we are here..... just look at the fascinating view... SubhanAllah..

Isn't it amazing??

mommy's turn

one of the attraction.. u have to queue to use this binoculars...
pay $1 & u can see the whole Penang... But hubs said its useless...

In case ure hungry there are few restaurants for example like this 'Sky Terrace'
& also a foodcourt.... : )

climbing up

ececece... hubs said this would make a beautiful screensaver... LOL!

This was the old type of transportation called 'Sedan Chair'
The people used to carry the british officers with this... yikes! -_-''

while waiting for daddy...

started to be funny & cranky...

see that teary eyes???

here we go again


she wanted the flower actually.. but no flower plucking la baby....

drama queen la u.... mommy will definately show u this when ure older...

Le dessert at the foodcourt... told ya it is HOLY!

OMG! the queue to go down hill...

check how long it is...

lil bambam is sleepy already..

mommy is tired of standing & dinah is sleepy...

at last! thank god for this new stroller....

We had to wait for 45min for the train to arrive... but overall it was a wonderful experience indeed...
Later that night we went to Batu Ferringi for the night market....
pray for my family murah rezeki k? tq. ^_^