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Saturday, November 13, 2010

50% trust?

once u break my trust to u,u'll never gt it bak.....
bukan na gertak tp na igtkan....
haty aq sgt2 fragile....
mb kdg2 aq ta tunjuk pown tp ta bermakne aq oukayh...
once in awhile cube pk dgn haty....
tnye dgn perasaan....
fhm dgn jiwa....
bkn sume bnde kna ad logical xplaination....
kite manusia unique ta sume org pk same...
tp ta sala kite cube tuk fhm kn?
so hatyku bkn crystal juz seketul daging yg bleyh terluka tnpa terlihat parutnye....

stop talkin' & listen....

it might sound a bit rude...well, depends on d tone o voice u use....
anyway, u knw hw helpful u r when u juz sit & listen?
amazing how juz by listenin' u chud lift away a person's burden?
& makin' them smile again....a very small favor tht chud mk u a better person & probably change who u r....
seriusly, juz once, stop talkin' but up ur ears,open up ur mind.....
listen,listen,listen....its really easy....
listenin' is a part of communicating....
communication does not always have to be in d form of talkin'.....
listenin' is also communication.....
for instance, to understand a message required listenin......
to solve a problem required listenin.....
so ppl.....
hear me out......
juz LISTEN........