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Monday, October 29, 2012

Monday Blues T_T

morning... DULL to be exact...
woke up with bodyache...last night I was having a loud dream...u know those dream that u run jump & move around to much? in the end when u woke up its just like u were never sleep...not very nice feeling lagi2 those yg u bergaduh ke..adoiiii...lebam2....
Dinah Nur nowadays nak kepit2 je dgn mommy... sweet : )
tp tula the whole bed she conquer oukay...gerammm..angkat letak tepi dia guling2 nak kepit jgk...
redha je anakku....

actually tgh stress ni...haii la hati please co-operate bole? penat la gini...
~La Tahzan habibi alqalb~
I am holding on...second class treatment? Masya Allah....
all this buat aku hilang mood... tp kena jgk sabar...

Dinah dah boleh lps tangan nak jalan...Alhamdulillah..
mulut bising....over oukay! gerammm je... ada je nak complaint...
daddy lah suke kacau...cuit2 sket mulut bising marah2... pegy kt mommy tunjuk daddy ngadu...alahai anak... daddy makin galak la kacau... tp takpe at least they r my backbone... even if sometime I feel hopeless & sad I'll just look & they will be there...& I just gonna be fine... In sha Allah..

haih...lovely ^_^

pray for my family murah rezeki k? tq. ^_^