contest AGAIN u ollz! ^_^v hikhikhik.....ouh indahnye dunia....... bile da fall in luv dgn blogging neyh ad jgk faedahnye kan? bleyh join kan?
anyway, this contest is brought to u by Mrs Weiyda....eceh! dulu cite2 na jd pembace berita tp ta kesampaian....
haha.... contest neyh senang je all u have to do is paste any of ur pic yg colourful...takesah larh ur clothes ur scarfs, shawl,barang ke pape jela janji mesty COLOURFUL... contest pown name "Colourful Contest"
then bwat larh entry about the contest itself...dun forget to link that entry to Mrs Weiyda's blog kayh! & then ad this sentence u ollz kena sambung....alarh, a bit lyke slogan larh.... oukayh? easy & simple.... :)
my pic for this contest................
holoholoh..... isk, malu plak letak pic whatever larh kan? i lyke to wear colourful shawls cuz it will change my mood....i mean whenever i feel down or upset lukin at myself in d mirror help me a lot in bringing myself up all d way... ^_^ plus people tgk pown ceria jee...
Hidup ini Colourful kerana saya dikelilingi insan yang tersayang...oukayh poyo jekan ayat? seriously my life is colourful because of them... they are the colour of my life.... hitam,putih,biru,ungu or jingga sekali pown mereka tetap istimewa... pelik kan? warna boleyh menceriakan hidup kita... ta caye? cube keluar & pakai baju hitam or dull grey...alahai boringgggggggg gyla...... lagy2 tym panas terik....isk3....rase na mara orang je kan? try plak pakai colour pink ke purple ke....mesty rase sejukkk jeee....happy jeee...anyway, berbalik pada topik tadi.....mereka sebab tuk saya menangis, mereka sebab tuk saya ketawa, kadang2 mereka jgk sebab saya kecewa atau marah...asam garam kehidupan manusia takkan terlepas dari melakukan kesalahan....jadi pape pown yang terjadi saya tetap sayang mereka....kerana mereka kekuatan saya...kerana mereka warna hidup saya.....kerana mereka begitu berharga....yahp! mereka KELUARGA saya....