hye luvlies : )its monday & its work day.. -_-"
lucky to those who doesnt work on monday...
i spent my weekend at home..
taking care of my dear baby girl...
she was unwell...
high fever...
the doctor said there is a ulcer near to her throat...
which is sgt2 ouch!
nak mkn pun takleyh...
pedih have to let the milk cool dulu..
br suap slow2 dgn sudu...
tu pun tak minom byk...
suap roti dgn air je...
nsb hbs...
br bleyh tdow...
then tdow taleyh letak... die rs tak sedap bdn maybe...
so tdow atas bdn je...
haih lah anak... mengigil2 den...
odw to clinic... :(
pantang nampak camera btol...huhu~
2nd day..still a bit weak :(
last night...da ok da.. :)
to those yg d jd mommy thu lah kot cane if anak tu saket... my hubby was very2 helpful... : )