fuhhhh! selesai suda interview itu tadi....haih....nervous oukayh....anyway, around 930am me & hubby da sampai kat office tu...tym tu tade org lagy...
tanye front desk akak tu suh tggu dlm meeting room....eceh! tetibe velagak da dpt kje....
over taw u nina!
then tgk2 ad da sorg gurl neyh...dye pkai bj kurung....isk...as for me? slack & white shirt....
out of place? yahp...totally....tp tapee larh...janji pakai bj...tunggu until 10am ad sorg worker neyh dtg bg penerangan....tgk sume yg dtg mcm 18 to 21 jee...terase tua oooo....redha....
pastu dye suh kuar, naty dye pggil....i was in d 3rd group....
masuk dlm meeting room td ad this gurl,,,ta igt name but pangkat dye director ke ap tah...dgn this 1 guy...
we will be working under him if we r accepted....
the work is just data entry & sometimes we will have to be in the front desk...helping out...so we have to have the confident to communicate with our customer which is mostly foreigner....ur english must be really good...
so they asked us to leave & they will call to inform if we r accepted or not...
m praying hard....