pray for my family murah rezeki k? tq. ^_^
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
A year after me being a Mommy
Happy Birthday to my dear lovely daughter Dinah Nour Ibrahim
lil bumbum,
its your very 1st year birthday darling...^_^
all thru this 1 year u have been a wonderful treasure for mommy & daddy...
u light up everyone's life...
with ur existance mommy feel alive & thankful for the blessing the HE has given to us,
ur mommy & daddy...
do u remember the 9 month when u were inside mommy?
mommy would talk to u & always pray that u would come out a bit earlier...
haha.. that was priceless... the 1st kick u did really suprise us...
u were strong, still are : )
thank you Allah for this precious gift... we will protect her with our life...
In Sha Allah...
ehem2...oukay so enough with the jiwang part now lets get to serius business...

her 1st day

Dinah 2day
Dinah Nour,
now dah 1 year old kan? so taknak la cranky2 lagi.. listen to opah oukay? mommy kena keje syg...
just for ur future... even though mommy takde dgn Dinah every hour but u know mommy love u so much...
with every core of my heart my existance... Dinah je yg mommy ada later if mommy dah takde Dinah kena jaga diri oukay takmo susahkan orang lain...have to be independant...
on ur birthday mommy nak wish
Happy 1st year Birthday to u...
later kita celebrate kay? Dinah nak cake tak? hehe...
pray for my family murah rezeki k? tq. ^_^
Since smlm trying to update but cannot..nak transfer pic pun failed.. Dh smpai masa kot? BB ouh BB y ouh y kamu nak hang plak ni..
Jgn ler..nk update blog pun susah dah ni..
Hehe.. Hubby ckp org jeles mmg gitu la jgn layan..nak org respect dia but dia ✗ reti nak respect org.. ✗pe la atas dunia je.. Bergumbira lah kamu selagi kamu mampu.. Nk jd permata tersilap langkah jd kaca je.. Aiseh..
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Jgn ler..nk update blog pun susah dah ni..
Hehe.. Hubby ckp org jeles mmg gitu la jgn layan..nak org respect dia but dia ✗ reti nak respect org.. ✗pe la atas dunia je.. Bergumbira lah kamu selagi kamu mampu.. Nk jd permata tersilap langkah jd kaca je.. Aiseh..
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
tuesday tunes
hi beautiful.. woke up early 2day since our lil one not well..
plus me myself pun demam... she was feeling uneasy...
bagi susu je muntah..nasib baik mkn nasi still byk...
si kecik tu bab mkn tak pernah tolak...huhu
so today still under tuesday blues...grrrr....
tekanan dgn tak shat lagi... before this if unwell je mesti cuti selubung dalam selimut..
now cant do that anymore..
si kecik tu even demam still active oukay... haha.. so tade la risau sgt...
mama ckp dia demam sebab nak jalan...u know org2 tua kan byk tafsiran & fahaman dorg...
iye atau tak kita observe je... but my bumbum mmg dah boleh lps tgn nak jalan...
Alhamdulillah~ seronok tgk dia active happy & growing healthily..
ouh yea she is officially 1 today!
pray for my family murah rezeki k? tq. ^_^
hi beautiful.. woke up early 2day since our lil one not well..
plus me myself pun demam... she was feeling uneasy...
bagi susu je muntah..nasib baik mkn nasi still byk...
si kecik tu bab mkn tak pernah tolak...huhu
so today still under tuesday blues...grrrr....
tekanan dgn tak shat lagi... before this if unwell je mesti cuti selubung dalam selimut..
now cant do that anymore..
si kecik tu even demam still active oukay... haha.. so tade la risau sgt...
mama ckp dia demam sebab nak jalan...u know org2 tua kan byk tafsiran & fahaman dorg...
iye atau tak kita observe je... but my bumbum mmg dah boleh lps tgn nak jalan...
Alhamdulillah~ seronok tgk dia active happy & growing healthily..
ouh yea she is officially 1 today!
pray for my family murah rezeki k? tq. ^_^
Monday, October 29, 2012
Monday Blues T_T
morning... DULL to be exact...
woke up with bodyache...last night I was having a loud dream...u know those dream that u run jump & move around to much? in the end when u woke up its just like u were never sleep...not very nice feeling lagi2 those yg u bergaduh ke..adoiiii...lebam2....
Dinah Nur nowadays nak kepit2 je dgn mommy... sweet : )
tp tula the whole bed she conquer oukay...gerammm..angkat letak tepi dia guling2 nak kepit jgk...
redha je anakku....
actually tgh stress ni...haii la hati please co-operate bole? penat la gini...
~La Tahzan habibi alqalb~
I am holding on...second class treatment? Masya Allah....
all this buat aku hilang mood... tp kena jgk sabar...
Dinah dah boleh lps tangan nak jalan...Alhamdulillah..
mulut bising....over oukay! gerammm je... ada je nak complaint...
daddy lah suke kacau...cuit2 sket mulut bising marah2... pegy kt mommy tunjuk daddy ngadu...alahai anak... daddy makin galak la kacau... tp takpe at least they r my backbone... even if sometime I feel hopeless & sad I'll just look & they will be there...& I just gonna be fine... In sha Allah..
pray for my family murah rezeki k? tq. ^_^
morning... DULL to be exact...
woke up with bodyache...last night I was having a loud dream...u know those dream that u run jump & move around to much? in the end when u woke up its just like u were never sleep...not very nice feeling lagi2 those yg u bergaduh ke..adoiiii...lebam2....
Dinah Nur nowadays nak kepit2 je dgn mommy... sweet : )
tp tula the whole bed she conquer oukay...gerammm..angkat letak tepi dia guling2 nak kepit jgk...
redha je anakku....
actually tgh stress ni...haii la hati please co-operate bole? penat la gini...
~La Tahzan habibi alqalb~
I am holding on...second class treatment? Masya Allah....
all this buat aku hilang mood... tp kena jgk sabar...
Dinah dah boleh lps tangan nak jalan...Alhamdulillah..
mulut bising....over oukay! gerammm je... ada je nak complaint...
daddy lah suke kacau...cuit2 sket mulut bising marah2... pegy kt mommy tunjuk daddy ngadu...alahai anak... daddy makin galak la kacau... tp takpe at least they r my backbone... even if sometime I feel hopeless & sad I'll just look & they will be there...& I just gonna be fine... In sha Allah..

haih...lovely ^_^
pray for my family murah rezeki k? tq. ^_^
Thursday, October 25, 2012
time flies when u r having fun
Salaam...hi lovely ladies : ) esok cuti kan?kan? heeeee...
best! boleh duduk the whole day with my bambam & mr Hubby...
the whole week kan busy with work then nak gomol2 si kecik tu...
& dah lama tak borak2 with mr hubby... I mean ever since keje kami busy a bit...
but we make sure every weekends we will spend every second we can with Lil BumBum...
she is growing....very fast
in the bus...lalalalal~
we don't have car but we are happy to travel like this
eventhough its kind of hard for us to walk around but we made it this far...
my baby is growing fast...seriusly...
I'm gonna miss her being small definately... :'(
5 more days baby... she will be a big girl... sobsob...
apahal kau nangis pulak???? drama oukay!
pray for my family murah rezeki k? tq. ^_^
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
my wishlist
my dear Blackberry is very sick...sometime hang tak tentu pasal...
tension okeh...! whatsapp pun sometimes tak boleh guna..Grrrr!
sgt rasa nk jd hulk..!
1 of the reason is that si kecik tu suke kunyah2 bb cikaiku itu...
alahai anak... :(
sabar jela...
so now tgh berkira-kira nak beli phone baru tp still kena tggu budget...
mr hubby dah pesan awal2... dun buy those cheap2 phone nanti guna sekejap dah nak tukar lagi...
oukay -_-''
b4 pakai bb ni me is guna sony vivaz.. hadiah from mr hubby...sempena pregnancy...
we all beli kat lowyat but tak smpai 1 year dah rosak... hantar repair kena rm300++
tak sangup nak kuar byk tu so biar je terperuk...
so now hubby pun dah pesan jgn beli from lowyat...
hmmm... mana la nak cr duit beli yg original from butik kan?
but anyway now tgh kumpul duit nak beli phone baru... org banyak duit gini la(aamiin)...kena plan satu persatu...tak bole main aci redah je...
takpe... Allah bagi rezeki sket2... utk masa depan... : )
anyway thinkin about
In sha Allah ^_^ tolong doakan k hopefully dpt beli...aamiin
pray for my family murah rezeki k? tq. ^_^
Nu'ma ShawL
Hello lovely..
Like I promise u we will be launching our very own shawl collection..
Beautiful & decent
Material chiffon
Measurement 2.0mx0.45m
XL size enough to cover ur chest In sha Allah..
Every colour will have limited pcs..
So hurry & order urs..
Officially launch next month.. Stay tuned ladies :)
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Hello lovely..
Like I promise u we will be launching our very own shawl collection..
Beautiful & decent
Material chiffon
Measurement 2.0mx0.45m
XL size enough to cover ur chest In sha Allah..
Every colour will have limited pcs..
So hurry & order urs..
Officially launch next month.. Stay tuned ladies :)
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Monday, October 22, 2012
beauty supplement? pretty inside out
salaam.... howdy people...
as I promise I'm gonna share what I ate...
beauty supplement....
pray for my family murah rezeki k? tq. ^_^
as I promise I'm gonna share what I ate...
beauty supplement....
vitamin c organik
lookyoung(consist of virgin coconut oil & collagen)
inner shine
so thts all that i'm currently consume...
pray for my family murah rezeki k? tq. ^_^
Sunday, October 21, 2012
le product
hello beautiful...
yesterday I went to meet my dear friend.. we usually whud just bbm...
rarely meet she is a student I'm working & bz with family so we hardly have the chance to meet...
so yesterday I went... we talked & she asked...
'kak nina, ur skin r so clean & fair..what happened?'
haha...oukay so she is younger than me & yes b4 I was a bit dark... so I told her...
I didnt buy all those expensive sk2, or watever... stuffs that i use didnt cost me a lot...
I cannot afford to spend foolishly. most of the time Dinah is my priority...
so I wanna share what do I use on daily basis for my skin...
pray for my family murah rezeki k? tq. ^_^
hello beautiful...
yesterday I went to meet my dear friend.. we usually whud just bbm...
rarely meet she is a student I'm working & bz with family so we hardly have the chance to meet...
so yesterday I went... we talked & she asked...
'kak nina, ur skin r so clean & fair..what happened?'
haha...oukay so she is younger than me & yes b4 I was a bit dark... so I told her...
I didnt buy all those expensive sk2, or watever... stuffs that i use didnt cost me a lot...
I cannot afford to spend foolishly. most of the time Dinah is my priority...
so I wanna share what do I use on daily basis for my skin...
1. Sabun Susu Beras
2. Rice Milk Cleanser with Vit E & Collagen
3. krim malam susu beras
4. krim siang with spf 40
all this products are based on rice its really good.. those people with low budget u guys can try these awesome product...really it wont let u down.. In sha Allah.....
next entry I'll share supplement that I ate for flawless skin....
pray for my family murah rezeki k? tq. ^_^
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Salaam..hello beautiful : )
eL-Nina will be launching our very 1st two tone XL chiffon shawl..
We call it DINAH SHAWL..
It will be 2.omx0.45m..
Every colour has a very limited pcs.. 5 amazingly chic colours! Drop a comment or email me at to enquire or order..
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
eL-Nina will be launching our very 1st two tone XL chiffon shawl..
We call it DINAH SHAWL..
It will be 2.omx0.45m..
Every colour has a very limited pcs.. 5 amazingly chic colours! Drop a comment or email me at to enquire or order..
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
This man kan kalau baca paper..aiseh! Lama kemain! Gerammmm!
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Friday, October 12, 2012
PopLook Look
got my 2nd PopLook dress...yayyy!
haven't wear it yet..soon inshaallah...

pray for my family murah rezeki k? tq. ^_^
got my 2nd PopLook dress...yayyy!
haven't wear it yet..soon inshaallah...

pray for my family murah rezeki k? tq. ^_^
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Don't we just love it?
Hi beautiful..
Long time didn't time plus no idea.. нёнё☺☺нёнё☺☺
Please 4give me.. But then is there anyone reading my blog?? :(
But anyway.. Was busy with training.. Workload is massive.. Cannot even stop for lunch.. Tiring..
My bumbum is growing.. Clever & smart everyday..
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Hi beautiful..
Long time didn't time plus no idea.. нёнё☺☺нёнё☺☺
Please 4give me.. But then is there anyone reading my blog?? :(
But anyway.. Was busy with training.. Workload is massive.. Cannot even stop for lunch.. Tiring..
My bumbum is growing.. Clever & smart everyday..
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Friday, October 5, 2012
perV everywhere
morning pretty : )
oukay so straight to my title ya.. every morning I'll be riding the bus to work & also goin back...
so every morning I'll see all sort of people in the bus.. sleeping,talking blablabla...
the only thing that not everyone know is that these perV will always be there...
looking down to girls shirt & ur bum....
be careful ladies... they get pleasure from looking at ur assets...
sad isnt it?
don't let them have the pleasure ladies...
cover it up... avoid being the victim of these weirdo....
alright lovely?
take care & love urself...

pray for my family murah rezeki k? tq. ^_^
morning pretty : )
oukay so straight to my title ya.. every morning I'll be riding the bus to work & also goin back...
so every morning I'll see all sort of people in the bus.. sleeping,talking blablabla...
the only thing that not everyone know is that these perV will always be there...
looking down to girls shirt & ur bum....
be careful ladies... they get pleasure from looking at ur assets...
sad isnt it?
don't let them have the pleasure ladies...
cover it up... avoid being the victim of these weirdo....
alright lovely?
take care & love urself...
pray for my family murah rezeki k? tq. ^_^
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Tutorial (preggy style)
yuhuuuu people....
i did this tutorial back then when I was pregnant...
huhu... plenty of time to kill yaw....
hope u guys enjoy it :)
pray for my family murah rezeki k? tq. ^_^
yuhuuuu people....
i did this tutorial back then when I was pregnant...
huhu... plenty of time to kill yaw....
hope u guys enjoy it :)
pray for my family murah rezeki k? tq. ^_^
My life my everytg
in 28 days my baby will be 1 year old.. Alhamdulillah.. Tq Allah..u have given me a wonderful gift to me as a woman.. Tq for giving me chance to be a mother.. Although there's flaws but m still in learning process..
I'm trying to give & provide the best for her..
The best not always mean expensive..
Me & hubby will teach her to be modest & to be low profile..
We dun always buy her expensive branded stuffs..sorry baby..
Only on special occasion we will reward her with small2 gift..
Yes I will give my life for her but to spoil her wth brand just not in our list..
If possible we want her to be thankful of what she has & always be modest.. Inshaallah..
Mommy dh ✗ larat nk dukung kamu syg..
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
in 28 days my baby will be 1 year old.. Alhamdulillah.. Tq Allah..u have given me a wonderful gift to me as a woman.. Tq for giving me chance to be a mother.. Although there's flaws but m still in learning process..
I'm trying to give & provide the best for her..
The best not always mean expensive..
Me & hubby will teach her to be modest & to be low profile..
We dun always buy her expensive branded stuffs..sorry baby..
Only on special occasion we will reward her with small2 gift..
Yes I will give my life for her but to spoil her wth brand just not in our list..
If possible we want her to be thankful of what she has & always be modest.. Inshaallah..
Mommy dh ✗ larat nk dukung kamu syg..
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphone
I love her!
have u guys ever read or heard about Shila Amzah's winning the Asian Wave? of cuz u did..pfft! u r so late Nina... -_-''
PROUD! seriusly she deserve it...her voice Mashaallah...... crazy awesome.... no kidding!
& the best part of all...
she is now a hijabista ^_^

keep it up Shila!
oukayh jap nak tanye...

ada macam Shila tak? hehe...pinjam pic yer Faten...
pray for my family murah rezeki k? tq. ^_^
have u guys ever read or heard about Shila Amzah's winning the Asian Wave? of cuz u did..pfft! u r so late Nina... -_-''
PROUD! seriusly she deserve it...her voice Mashaallah...... crazy awesome.... no kidding!
& the best part of all...
she is now a hijabista ^_^
keep it up Shila!
oukayh jap nak tanye...

ada macam Shila tak? hehe...pinjam pic yer Faten...
pray for my family murah rezeki k? tq. ^_^
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