
~D creation of Nina Zee~

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Mr Hubby

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

~Mr & Mrs Ibby~ 9I27A

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Dinah Nur

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Salaahuddeen Abul-Khattaab

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Ayesha Nur

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Ayah & Ibu

Assalammualaikum Daisy : )
tetiba mood update berkobar-kobar! Ecececece.. Pang kang! skrg still dlm mood pantang so masa tu ada lah terluang sket time kanak-kanak sekalian tebgah tidur or tengok tv. Kalau x memang la peluh jantan keluar nak melayan kerenah dorang.

Baru-baru ni ada la terbaca about ibu yang penat mengandung melahirkan tapi anak-anak berbin atau bintikan ayah. Something like that la. So saje nk share my opinion. Haters don't hate. Ini pandangan saya sahaja.

So for me okay la tu, ayah dapat letak nama je kat hujung nama anak-anak dia. Yang ibu? pernah dengar x lagu ini?

Who should I give my love to?
My respect and my honour to
Who should I pay good mind to?
After Allah
And Rasulullah

Comes your mother
Who next? Your mother
Who next? Your mother
And then your father

Read more: Yusuf Islam - Your Mother Lyrics | MetroLyrics 

Nampak tak ibu-ibu? ranking kita no 1-3 teratas tahu? Lepas Allah & Rasulullah, what an honour given to mothers. Masha Allah!

Then masa kita mati nanti kita semua akan berbin/binti kn ibu kita.. Masa talkin dibacakan. Allah bagi special bila nk mengadap DIA... nama ibu yang kita bawak.. 

yang paling utama, SYURGA dibawah telapak kaki ibu... Allah bagi keistimewaan pada ibu-ibu sekalian.. SYURGA yang semua orang dambakan terletak di bawah tapak kaki kita ni..
Apa lagi yang kita nak argue kalau setakat bin & binti tu? 

Ini mama saya, my SYURGA is underneath her kaki U know???

This is my ABAH, walau syurga bukan di bawah telapak kaki beliau tapi beliau seorang abah yang bertanggungjawab hingga ke nafas terakhir beliau. 

Dinah, Deen, Ayesha
Ini Abi & Mommy kalian, Kami xsempurna tapi kami mahukan yang terbaik buat kalian. Walau terkadang ada kelemahan namum kami hanya manusia biasa yang telah ditakdirkan oleh ALLAH untuk menjadi pelindung & pendidik kalian. Kalian amanah dariNYA. Kurnian bermakna untuk kami. 

Ayah dan ibu
Itulah permulaan kami
Dapatlah melihat bulan dan

Yang dikurniakan dari Ilahi
Ayah dan ibu lah
Mesti dihormati

Ayah dan ibu
Wali dan juga keramat
Pada mereka kita beri hormat
Bagilah tunjuk ajar dan
Supaya hidup
Supaya hidup kita akan selamat
Lirik Ayah Dan Ibu - Sudirman @ Lirikami

pray for my family murah rezeki k? tq. ^_^

Friends with benefit

Hello Lovely : ) How was ur day so far? well its Monday.
Hope no monday blues ^_^
As for me I'm still enjoying my maternity leave at home with 3 kids *urut dada
u know kids they are very active at times. Mine? The girl got a lot to say which I find it entertaining & annoying at the same time.. LOL! bad mommy
While the boy, well he is being a BOY! climbing here & there screaming pulling kakak's hair spill milk everywhere throwing stuffs. -_-''
Im praying hard not to lost my patience.. So my conclusion is to just let them play till they are tired then I will clean..
Its very restricted because I'm still in confinement as people say not to do too much work because u r still recovering.
But trust me when u have 3 kids confinement or not u still need to do all the house work
unless its ur 1st then u can. because babies just need milk & once they are full & diaper is clean they will sleep again.

I wanted to talk about FRIENDS.
Sahabat dan kawan tu berlainan. Kenapa yea?

Sahabat itu tulus, mereka xkira kau siapa kerja apa position atau gaji yang kau terima.
persahabatan mereka berlandaskan kasih, sayang itu hadir tanpa diminta.
sahabat itu xpernah iri hati, dengki atau punya agenda tersembunyi.
mereka gembira melihat kau bahagia mereka berduka disaat kau derita.
walaupun jauh doa tetap mengiringi tiap ketika.
mereka x lokek dgn masa atau nasihat. sentiasa memerhati dikejauhan agar kau tidak keseorangan.
di saat kau perlukan bantuan dan sokongan mereka hadir tanpa perlu kau panggil.
mereka setia menanti walau kau x pernah mencari.

friends with benefit? Ya Allah jauhi aku dari orang sebegitu.
kau, kau yang aku anggap  sahabat walau perkenanlan kita baru shj menginjak 2 tahun.
trust that I have for u. kau lebih tua dariku tapi kau bilang kita sahabat maka x perlu la ber kakak ber adik. panggil nama saje biar mesra biar kekok tidak terasa. aku akur.
Aku mudah mesra dgn orang yang aku selesa, tapi lambat sikit panasnye. Yang kenal aku tahu la.
aku jenis reserve tapi bila dah mesra aku bole jadi gila-gila.
where were we?
ouh yea, kebelakangan ini aku merasakan ada sesuatu yang x kena.
I like to share my happiness with people who is close to me. bukan niat untuk riak atau menunjuk.
sekadar berkongsi kegembiraan.. Agar ada yang sudi mendoakan.
tapi kau yang aku anggap teman, tidak senang dengan berita yang aku kongsikan.
tapi kenapa? kenapa kau xboleh gembira bersama & doakan saja?
Jujur, kau punya segalanya. sepatutnye aku yang iri hati.
Tapi sebaliknya kau aku jadikan sumber inspirasi. Agar dapat sama2 berjaya.

Mungkin aku silap menilai, terlalu cepat mempercayai harga sebuah persahabatan yang aku sangka begitu berharga tapi kau letakkan di kaki.

kami sahabat since 2008.


pray for my family murah rezeki k? tq. ^_^

Friday, May 22, 2015

26th Days of Confinement

Hello daisy : )
Its been 26 days of my confinement.. Ohoiiii! lama gila! nak sampai 44 days tu pun seksa.. : (
staying at home for 44 days ko bayangkan xboleh nak keluar rumah for 44 freakin days.
okay la for the sake of health kan.. badan nak guna lama..
so xpe la just another 18 days.. pejan celik pejam celik jela kan? In Shaa Allah...
Can't wait to go out for fresh air.. Honestly xboleh brain bila kena duduk dalam rumah plus kesian kids terperuk dalam rumah je xpegi mana2 kira dalam pantang macam mommy jugak.. Nanti dah habis pantang we go out yeah dearest.. 

this boy sangat2 banyak akal sekarang nie.. penat hoiii melayan dia je.
tapi at least I'm not lonely.

kakak plak baru je ikut paklong dia balik Penang.
mommy rindu! :'(

ouh yeah! mama went to Umrah for 10 days that day lagi la sunyi rumah.

haha! budak bakal kena tinggal. meraung2 jerit nama opah 1 airport.
clever girl kakak.. 

sorry pic mommy & Ayesha still dalam pantang jugak.. maka kita tggu lepas pantang baru bole publish pic mommy & Ayesha ek... 18 days more please : )

pray for my family murah rezeki k? tq. ^_^

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Tolonglah faham bab ni

Hello lovely ^_^v

Haaa nie... nie dia yg kita nk perjuangkan wahai kaum hawa.. kaum adam para suami kesian kat isteri tu.. aurat dia tanggungjawab hangpa... tlg jgn kata darurat.. pi research mcm mn br dikata darurat .. jgn pk senang ja.. para isteri sayangi diri, aurat hangpa tlg jaga jgn pakat nk senang nak murah ja... duit harta tu semua Allah yg bagi.. klau kita usaha In Shaa Allah DIA tlg.. yg belum kawen pakat doa hari2 mudah2an bakal imam kita tu sayang sampai hangpa kluar sat pi sidai baju kat luaq xpkai tudung depa mogok xmau ckp sbb aurat tu syg.. sbb kita nk jaga apa yg diwajibkan kita jaga.. tlg laaaa kesian sgt esk kat sana bakal ditanya... mtk tlg ambek berat sat...

pray for my family murah rezeki k? tq. ^_^

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Delivery story *part 2*

Hello daisy  ☺
phew its been 18 days of my confinement Alhamdulillah it feels like just yesterday I gave birth..
So as promise I am goin to cont my delivery story part 2..

27 Apr 4am
ouh yea 4got to tell u b4 they check the opening they will 1st put that machine where they will wrap a belt around ur tummy to monitor baby's heart beat.. the contraction was very near & intense..
the nurse came to check & she inform me that she will check the opening now as the contraction is there..

Nurse : ouh puan dah bukak 4/5cm ye. So puan kena tukar baju hospital then saya nk masuk ubat buntut.

Me : Okay (as I was shocked & nervous bcuz I am goin to be in actove labour once its 6cm.) Tp sy nk epidural.

Nurse : hurmmm... tp puan skrg dah xsempat ye sbb klau dah pecah ketuban mungkin baby keluar sekali.

Me : Huh? (I almost faint when I heard no epidural) tlg la cuba

Nurse : okay xpe puan tukar baju dulu sy cuba call dr.

After changing clothes  the nurse came back & I was praying for miracle so the epidural Dr will be with her or something..

Nurse : sorry puan saya dah call 3 doc semua kata xsempat. Harini isnin kan jem lagi.

After that terus ngadu dgn hubby :'(
dah kata manja haruslah.. hahah!

LOL! Peningla hubby layan.. dah la tengah sakit, dorg xbagi hubby naik teman plak.. nangis2 oiii tahan sakit..

After solat they asked me to go into the labour room.. dgn hubby xde lagi xde epidural mmg sedih la.. tahan sakit sorg2.. pang kang nak?? Manja sangat2..

few min in the labour room suddenly I felt someone touching my head rupanya suami.. Alhamdulillah dapat tgk muka suami lega sket.. dpt kekuatan luar biasa.. Hahaha! Hubby ckp its oukay sabar2 bit2 yah.. u can do it.. 
haih! Masalahnye xthu bole tahan ke x.. so redha jela..

The nurse came asked me that if I want a jab to induce & to make the opening faster but it wont reduce the pain.. so I said no need bcuz it'll cost a lot but no different..
Then she came in again to burst my water.. After that I am ald 7cm dilated, the pain I dont have to describe.. Plus after that they put the tube for my pee, so uncomfy I am praying for all the pain to go away...

i kept on telling hubby tht its too painful I cant go on.. Haha! Pang kang! Lps tu doc pun masuk, around 730 mcm tu doc ckp kepala baby nampak dah so whenever I felt like I wanna poo poo I can just push, after that I felt an urge to go so I push as hard as I can.. Despite the pain I just want to get over it..
I think I was screaming Allah too loud cuz right after that my throat is painful.. haha..

27 Apr 8am
A beautiful baby girl was born 3.2kg weight Alhamdulillah 

Honestly speaking mmg la sakit w/o epidural but different will be u xrasa hang over right after tht u bole buat semua sendiri... plus if u r lucky bawah tu pun xjahit...
so if possible xyah la ambek epidural/gas...

Till then, gonna cont my confinement with positivity : )

Nah belanja kaki tangan dulu :p

pray for my family murah rezeki k? tq. ^_^

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Delivery story *part1*

hello daisy  : ) so as i promise I wanted to share about my delivery story.. Its been 15 days, harap2 ingat lagi la ek..

26th April
Time nie dah start sakit2 dah.. belakang, bawah perut, & ramai yg tegur ckp perut dah kebawah sangat.. mama pun ckp.. actually a week b4 that I've already experienced the pain aka contraction tapi I thot it was Braxton Hicks cuz my edd is still very far away.. I was still in my 37weeks.. as for the 2 I gave birth only when I'm 39weeks so I thot it will be the same for this 1.. haha! 
Alright back to the pain, I asked hubby if we can go jalan-jalan somewhere just to help with the labour process.. He took me for groceries shopping.. But the pain was ald consistent.. I didn't want to worry him so I tagged along.. After we came back I felt a strange urge to go.. But I just assume its the poop not the baby..
& at night I cant seems to sleep as it is too painful even when I try to walk & change position...

Wow! I am not sure if I should go to the hospital now or to wait for morning to come.. with those 2 i experience pain only when i reached hospital.. so I dun really paid much attention bcuz right after tht I asked for epidural...

This was me on my last day as a pregnant lady.

27th April 2015 4am
I started feeling an intense pain all over my lower part.. i tried to walk sit go up the stairs just to ease the pain but man it wont go away!! The pain is like wtf i tell u... I almost want to drag hubby out of the bed..LOL! 
So I went to tk a shower wudhuk & dressed.. I woke him slowly told him that I want to go to the hospital now...

When we reached the hospital they checked it was already 5cm!! How crazy is that??? If I go a lil bit later than that I might give birth in the car...

What happened next? Wait for part 2 ;p

Now my lil princess is calling for milkshake.. gtg!

pray for my family murah rezeki k? tq. ^_^

Thursday, May 7, 2015

11th day of confinement

Hello lovely 😊 lama dah rasanya x update entry.. been busy.. so sorry to mcm la ada org tertunggu2 entry blogger sendu cam kamu Nina.. 😅
anyway, some of u yg follow my fb or instagram mesti thu yg I just gave birth recently?
Alhamdulillah.. yes I have given birth to a beautiful baby girl 😂
It was indeed a wonderful experience but painful as hell! 
Nak story abt the process tp now mood belum mari... nanti kita update in another entry naa.. everytime is a different experience.. 
betul la orang kata 10 anak 10 cara & lain2 pengalaman..
kali nie mmg xbole lupa langsung la.. 1st & 2nd kira okay lagi sbb dpt epidural & gas.. aku xfaham apa yg best dorg yg nk high tu.. seriusly, kau rasa macam mengantuk & kepala kau rasa ringan tp sakit tu x hilang.. bazir masa je duk sedut gas tu... epidural plak kau ingat xsakit time nk cucuk tu?? Sakit nk mampus k position akward plak tu.. kau imagine udang tu kena merengkot mcm tu... dgn contraction lagi... 
lepas cucuk tu mmg lega la tp 1 masalah plak kau akan rasa sejuk gila sampai badan kau automatik mengigil mcm org xdpt dadah... kau fhm x betapa xselesanya bila kau ambek drugs nie semua??
selagi boleh tahan silalah tahan, effect dia xbagus.. aku sendiri x sangka aku mampu tahan contraction tu.. maklumlah akukan manja tahap petala ke 8... ada husband lagi mengada2.. eh! Biarlah.. 

pray for my family murah rezeki k? tq. ^_^