salam....hye allz! its been a while since i wrote ryte? so here goes nuthin...
supposedly tiz story is on d 15th..hehe...
kire cam da basi neyh..hehe...tapee,still bleyh cite kowt kan?
oukayh here goes nuthin... on d 15th of dec 2011 mr hubby keje & his shift ends at tggu punye tggu dye pown blk...tym salam dye tu dye bt ala2 ta heran cam pelik kn...slalu nye dye mesty tnye 'hw r u baby' 'hows dinah' tp neyh ta trus je masuk bilik...ceyh! na sentap neyh
pastu lyn larh dye mkn, pas mkn naek tdow... tgk2 ad 5 roses on d bed...holoh2...sweet ta sweet ta???
siap ad card twu ta dye tulis ap?? alarh, maluuuu...ceyh geli...
ce try enlarge kan pic neyh then bc sendiri erk... :)
actually kami jumpe on d 15th of june 2010... its already a year & 5 month... few more days will be ours anniversary...1st year... ^_^
Salam.... uish, its been awhile since i wrote...been bz wth si kecik & some I didnt went out much so nuthin interestin to share tho... : ) anyway, 4/12 that day was our precious one's aqiqah...
my darling b4 aqiqah... :)
cukur jambul start....
dinah adalah sangat behave oukayh...was afraid she will be cranky cuz pg tu bgn around 7 then ta tdow da...seems lyke she ws excited it was her day...hehe...cute kan?
mommy & me... do i luk lyke i have daughter????
botak suda anak ku neyh.....
lagy semangat larh ble da tade rambut....
watever it is I still can't believe I have a own...she came from my womb...ouh gosh!
have u ever feel that u're stuck in d middle & can't say or do anytg? I bet u do... its sucky!! hate that feeling... oukayh contoh situation camtu :-
A & B & C are best frens...well, A & C knw each other since they were small... while B they knew them from high its very recent...they were very close,share everytg &laugh to each others jokes... everytg hs its high & low so 1 day....
A goes to C & start saying nasty things about B...
A : I dun lyke B anymore... C : why? A : B hurt my feelings tht day when u were in d hospital.. C : wat did B said? A : ...................(telling d story from d beginning till d end) C : mb B doesnt mean it? A : still I'm hurt : (
then C came along, jolly as usual...goin to each of us to greet...A was making face showing uneasy feeling 2wards B....B realize tht & goes to C for confirmation :-
B : hey wats up with A? C : huh? wat do u mean? B : A was cold2 to me... did i do smtg wrong? C : i dun knw...........
cn u imagine d situation C is goin thru????? arghhhhhhhh!
Salam.... mownink, hye, hello to korang sume :) since da lame sgt ta update blog so today na update smtg tht I've been keeping inside me for quite sometimes...
marriage is not easy.... y do I say that? It's a whole lots of responsibility...I mean HELL LOTS! marriage neyh bkn mcm maen 'kawen2' tym umo kite 7 8 thn yer adik2.... sesuke haty je na kawen dgn sape.. then if gado cerai...esok kawen dgn org laen plak...eceh! asal bleyh je kaw kan? anyhow, d main principal in marriage is to cegah maksiat,jauhi zina...maklumlah org berchenta neyh mmg 'hai!terasa dunia ana yg punya..' then na tambah zuriat...means anak larh.... oukayh part neyh pown I da rs...
pregnancy & delivery???? alahai, takowt na cite.....bab preggy tu tade ap sgt, cuz alhamdulillah tym preggy I tade alah mownink sickness mkn bykkkk sgt...yg ta bestnye baju byk yg ta preggy sgt mcm makcik2...huhuw~ dgn stretchmark lagy...kaki bengkak pastu emosional ta igt punye...isk2... to tell u honestly I'm still traumatize from d very recent delivery... SAKET HOIIII! so damn painful... Lahaulawalaquwataillabillahi~ ta larat na cite pown....sape yg pena rs tu thu larh azab nyer....lps tgk baby tu come out... Ya Allah! hilang sume saket tu....but ble igt balik trus fobia....
da hbs bab preggy dgn delivery.... after that na cite plak about confinement...... 1 word 'BORING'....... damn bored hoiii....! taleyh kuar pastu kena slekeh2....pastu kna minom all those pahit2 medicine....makjun,jamu,air akar....kna tungku, barut....for those yg tataw tungku tu u panaskan this 1 long metal or rock from river then put in on ur make ur tummy slim larh...then have to tie 1 long cloth around ur tummy...tht is called 'bengkung'...but these 2 still oukayh...d food is so limited...cant eat cold stuff,means NO ice???? eyh, pendek kate sgt ta best...! da tu kna pantang dlm 44 hari.... equal to 1 month & 2 weeks....
see si kecik neyh cepat besa larh....
so far i'm almost 3 weeks past my confinement...letih count down u knw....tsk tsk tsk!
Salam....... quite sometimes since I update my blog.... sorry : ) due to my condition so it's kind of difficult... anyhow, I'm excited to tell u gurls & guys about something tht had just happened...
my lil sunshine... all of my family members were waitin for her arrival.... ouh! btw it's a beautiful Baby Girl!
her weight was 3.25kg with length of 49.5cm...very heavy & long...
but alhamdulillah I managed to deliver normally... but with d help of contractions started 2 days b4 but d path only opened 1cm means there's still long hours to go... the pain is too painful when its near2 to 10cm I've lost my energy due to the pain... so i asked for epidural... to just inject that needle at my backbones Allah knows how painful it is.....
2 days old...
4 days old....
Dinah Nur Ibrahim
the apple of my eyes, the sugar in my coffee, the flower in my garden...
I misyh that very moment of my life........ which moment? all those moment I've had with few significant people in my life that time..... who r these significant people? theirs existence really turn my world upside down in & out all about...... I remember almost every single part of it... those people..... whoaaa! memories.....well, not every part is gud 1 but still it complete all of the chapter..... few songs that describe me that time....
oukayh enuff for now...all these songs had given me a meaning to my life,my r/ship, my will, my feelings....
Berikut adalah perkara-perkara yang tidak disukai oleh suami:-
Apabila suami melihat keadaan isterinya yang tidak kemas, serta comot.
Takkala suami pulang dari pejabat keadaan dalam rumah itu sendiri bersepah, tidak kemas, teratur. Segala kelengkapan suami seperti stoking, seluar tidak diletakkan ketempat asalnya.
Tiada insan yang sudi menyambut suami takala ia pulang dari tempat kerja dengan dihidangkan segelas air kegemarannya. Disamping membawa barang-barang yang dipegang oleh suami seperti beg, kunci kereta dan sebagainya.
Isteri masih belum pulang dari rumah/lewat, sedangkan suami sudah berada di rumah.
Isteri tidak pernah mengeluarkan atau mengucapkan perkataan ‘sayang’ memuji suami seperti ‘cantiklah abang pakai baju ni’.’pandailah abang pilih kain ni’.
Mengelakkan diri dari berleter berlebihan kerana kebanyakan suami tidak suka melihat isterinya berkeadaan sebegitu lebih-lebih lagi suami yang baru pulang dari kerja. Sebaiknya lemparkanlah sebaris senyuman sambil menghidangkan makanan yang istimewa buatnya.
i luv this man very mucho!
Isteri tidak berusaha malah jarang sekali menyentuh tangan suaminya apatahlagi memegang dan mengurut suami sedangkan sentuhan akan menyemarakkan lagi hubungan suami dan isteri.
Elakkan diri dari menceritakan keburukan suami kepada orang lain, jiran, kawan-kawan mahupun ahli keluarganya yang lain. Ini kerana segala hal dalam rumahtangga anda adalah hak peribadi anda dan suami sahaja.
Elakkan memarahi anak-anak depan suami lebih-lebih lagi pada anak yang suami sayang. Jika perlu tergurlah dengan nada perlahan dan baik.
Rajinlah masak untuk suami walau sesibuk manapun kerana kebanyakan suami sukakan air tangan isterinya.
Mashallah.... what ever happen to humanity of human these day?? Ya Allah, watchin d video make me cry... it's all over d news & web... it's about this 2 years old chinese girl who gt ran over car...TWICE!!! & d people around just passed by w/o even helping...
after the hit the poor girl was struggling crying for help but nobody seems to care...
after few min a old woman passed by & picked her up & put her at the side of the road... she asked around about the kid but nobody help...lastly the mother came rushing & held her..
Chinese authorities have supposedly have caught the first driver (the second is no worse in my opinion). "If she is dead, I may pay only about 20,000 yuan ($3,125). But if she is injured, it may cost me hundreds of thousands yuan," said the driver over the phone to the media, before he gave himself up to the police.
dumb excuse man!!! LAME! i hope u'll pay for it!!!
The girl has been pronounced "brain dead" by doctors and remains on life support in intensive care. "She couldn't breathe on her own," said Wen Qiang, deputy director of the ICU department. The most optimistic estimate is that the girl will remain in a vegetative state on life support.
Unconfirmed reports that the toddler died on 16 / 10 / 2011:
"...doctors said the girl died yesterday from severe brain injuries she had suffered in the accident."
if she is really dead...then hooray for the driverS who hit her...cuz u're gonna so pay for it!!! mb nt nw but soon!