the groupon offer
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Small belated birthday
hello people, long hiatus right?
so sorry.. been bz & tired & caught up with my morning sickness....
so lots of entry & update just had to put on hold...
Anyway, short update for today...
last sunday we went to Pavillion for a quick lunch with my in laws....
we usually do a birthday celebration... so this time was for my sis in law & me!
hehe... tutup muka cecepat...malu*
well actually I didn't know about it... my hubby was being so hard to get..
he keeps on saying 'no la we no need to go' so I was like ' ok but then not nice la'
turned out he know that I will insist bcuz its not everyday he gets to see his family...
so we bought the Groupon for Manhattan Fish Market
we arrived around 145pm & the place was full... & hubs asked the waiter if we could get seats for 16 people... at 1st the waiter was annoyed & tried to pushed us away... so since mr hubs can speak their language so they were so happy & treat us like we are vip...hehe...
after awhile we managed to get a seat in a private section...
what I got from them
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