Tuesday, July 30, 2013
21th day of Ramadhan
Morning people... 1 more week b4 Eid.... & we have not prepare anything yet... Haih... Had to wait for the salary day... Which will be end of july In shaa Allah.... Talking abt salary, governmnet will get $500 bonus for eid right? Lucky u!!
1 thing about working with gov is that the salary tht they offer is very low.... For spm leavers I wouldn't mind but with family its kinda struggle...
But the benefits is quite interesting.... I was once in gov co... Contract actually...
Back to Ramadhan story.... Yesterday cooked fried chicken, sardine & boiled salted egg for iftar.... Hubs been craving for fried chicken...huhu... Nk beli its end of the month, salary havent come in yet so masak jela eh... Then for dessert I made Cornflakes Honey Milo... Hubs like it Alhamdulillah... Tah la bulan puasa mcm2 nak buat... Saje lah nak impress hubs...hukhuk~
Pastu sibuk tnye 'sedap tak?, ok tak baby!'
Sabar jela layan isterimu ini....
This morning I ate maggie curry! Omg haha... 1st time ever.... Hopefully perut tk meragam... Hubs ate rice with chicken...huhu... Pastu minum coffee.... Mcm mn eh minum coffee then bole tdow plak... If me, I cnt sleep for sure...
Today thinking of making bubur jagung... Yummy!
Agak2 jadi tk? Huhu... Today mcm nk singgah bazaar je... Nk roti boom... Air kita buat kt rumah je eh.... Beli longan tin... Uish! Sedapppp...
Monday, July 29, 2013
20th Ramadhan & weird dream
Hello people... Its 20th Ramadhan already... 10 more days before Eid...
Time flies.... My weekends was so-so spent whole day in... Was too lazy & tired....
Haih... On sat I cooked spagetti for iftar & ice longan... For dessert I made kek batik.... Yummy! Thinking abt doin the kek batik again....finish the whole container in 1 day...hehe...
Now I'm craving for steamboat..... Today mcm nak masak ayam goreng, fried mushroom.... masak ala kadar cuz mmg tk mkn byk sgt.... So simple dish will do....
Dessert?? Hmmmm..... Dunnoe yet... Buah melaka?
Anyway, wanted to share my dream last night... I dreamt of i gv birth in my house toilet!!! Omg the pain.... I didnt want to wake anybody up so I just keep on pushing till i saw the baby was in the sink... I took it & look at it... But the eyes was close & didnt cry... I smack the baby bumbum.. Just to make sure he is ok... Ouh yah it was a boy... Wrap him on a clean blankie... Show it to everyone... Then I woke up...haha...
What a funny dream... Scary too....
Woke up with massive headache..feel like throwing up.... Hopefully i can fast the whole day.... Phew!
Till then
Friday, July 26, 2013
17th Ramadhan
Thursday, July 25, 2013
yesterday's story
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
15th Ramadhan
hello lovely people... its 15th Ramadhan already...
half of Ramadhan gone by... wonder if we will meet again dear Ramadhan...
Its kinda sad..... well yah eid is coming & that is exciting....
anyway, I pray so that I can fast till the end of Ramadhan.. In shaa Allah...
hang in there lil one... : )
yesterday I was too tired... went home at 5 & of cuz stuck in jammed... luckily hubs was the one who drive.. ouh yah, had to take train to the car I can barely walk properly... I can see double of everytg...
in the train nobody offer me seat mb they didn't see my stomach... but frankly speaking in Malaysia there is very few people who have common courtesy like that... they are very selfish...
then the train door didnt open for us to get off our station.. we had to go to 2 stations after ours & switch train....haih... waste of time & energy....
reached home around 630pm... I went straight to rest I was so tired & weak... can't even move...
I was literally shivering... :'(
head was very heavy... nak mengadu dkt sape? haih....
thank god today can go back a bit early than yesterday... at least no need to go thru massive traffic...
so today can drop by bazaar...yayyyyy! nak putu piringgggg.....!
nak story sket about my lil princess tu, nowadays manja dia mashaAllah.... urut dada* kemain lagi.. if ada daddy nak daddy je... if not menangis mcm kena pukul tu... if us we will biar dia nangis a bit then hold her.. tanye dia knp & explain la.... but problem is if ada org lain... lagi dia jerit kuat... thats y, different people different style la nak didik anak... so jgn la assume cara dia salah cara u je betul.... but if part yg dera tu mmg lah no compromised... mlm tdow nk peluk, ok la tht one no complaint but bila nak buat susu, dia nangis panggil mommy mcm kena tinggal terus ni... urut dada*
mama said mb sbb nak dpt adik so dia manja lah...
hopefully ada adik nanti they will be close with each other...
hmm... I dunnoe, this time of pregnancy I feel so alone & emotionally unstable... need extra loving care...
hope Mr IJM fhm ye... & be more gentle & sabar banyak2... 9 month je... after that kena layan anak2 plak..
hehe... nov punye baby fair u have to go on ur own yah... sbb I'll be in my confinement & kena bwk org tlg bwk pampers... new born & XL... ^_^v so cute!
pray for my family murah rezeki k? tq. ^_^
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Sardine Roll
Monday, July 22, 2013
12th day of Ramadhan
But luckily Allah granted our Du'a for a car, easier for us to move around & don't have to 'pinjam' people's car & get yelled at... memories...
ok enough about sad stuffs..
yesterday, hubs went to my in laws for iftar... Me? nah, let him have his own sweet time with his family... plus he went striaght to terawih.. & only came back late night... with my condition plus Dinah Nur 'cranky b4 sleep' style I'll rather stay at home.... well we didn't really stayed home... mama took us out for iftar as well... come to think of it lucky I didn't go, or else mama will be alone at home...
We break our fast at Cozy Corner at Ampang Park... We almost didn't get seat... It was full... luckily we managed to get 1 seat... Dinah Nur started to be cranky bcuz she didn't sleep the whole day, no she did actually sleep for awhile in the car...
anyway, mama had KungFu noodles & for me Chicken Chop... apple juice for me & longan for mama... hihik... Was thinking I might get myself Hokkaido cake since mama is a fan also...but too bad its already sold out... : ( so instead I bought cream puff & ice cream...
While we are looking around the booth at Ampang Park, I noticed that the 'IN' fashion noe is peplum & fishtail... thinking of getting dinah baju kurung...
After iftar we head back & Dinah actually slept in the car till this morning...
pray for my family murah rezeki k? tq. ^_^
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Day 9
hello awesome people : ) hows your Ramadhan so far?
we are already in the 9th of Ramadhan.. mashaAllah time flies huh? honestly I have been praying so I can manage to fast till the 30th... because of my condition now meaning pregnant & working... It is very tiring... My 1st trimester was horrifying, nausea, fatigue, lack of rest & no appetite.... I got more mc now then a year ago.... I was worried that I won't be able to fast... MashaAllah, but I was wrong Allah give me special strength or smtg to go through the day... Alhamdulillah... May Allah always protect those who have the pure intention to fast...aamin...
As for iftar we will eat smtg simple, no rice well usually... just a simple samosa dates & drinks....
fair enough if I get hungry at night I'll just eat bread with nutella... nyum! & lotsa water to cover the lack of fluid in the day time due to fasting.... no plan for outdoor iftar yet....
we are trying to keep it simple until end of Ramadhan... then we might be eager to go out....
since its Ramadhan month, 1 thing that I think we can change is the TRAFFIC! omg, very bad traffic... goin to work & coming back.... Its really testing our patience... but what can we actually do? SABAR... SABAR... & SABAR....
nothing special to share actually just me blabbering thru my boring work... I have the feeling that time flies super slow! I'm thinking of what to eat later for iftar... I'm craving for putu piring & otak-otak...
alright then gtg...
pray for my family murah rezeki k? tq. ^_^
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Harini dan semalam
Salaam.. Hello people....
Today mcm a bit slow... Rasa mcm nak lari balik rumah je... Iskkk...
Dinah nur plak tgh crazy with rashes on her pvt area... So garu jela... Mlm2 tk tdow...kesian...
Haih, mak mana yg tk susah hati if anak tk sihat? Jgn la igt kami yg bekerja ni tk ingat anak... Yg kerja ni bkn utk anak ke?
So please jgn assume... Sedih la... We r trying out best to be the so called 'perfect' parents... She is our blood & flesh...
DIA je thu hw we are willing to even die for her... We will give her the best but of cuz according to wat we cn afford... Nk spoil kn anak bole je once in awhile... Kami ada cara kami to spoil her... Not by letting her scream or shout whenever she wants smtg...
Igt senang nk didik anak? Bkn mcm ajar ABC yer... Yg ada anak thu mesti faham...
Haih cara didik anak ni lain org lain cara... So jgn komen cara org lain...
Bcuz they know wats best for their child...
Pjg lebar mukadimah...
Hah awk! Awk ingat tk harini hari apa? Hari ni hari selasa genap lah seminggu kita berpuasa...
Haha... Kesian...
Pg td sahur simple je... Nothing much... Buka karang tak thu lg nk buka apa... Igt nk masak... Tp mcm tk larat... Eh klau kita termuntah batal tk puasa?
Friday, July 12, 2013
Day 3
Salaam... Hye people! Good morning..
Yah so today I reached early at office... Around 8 Im already on my desk.... Phew! The traffic was so-so & I didn't have to panic of the traffic... Teeheeee... Biy seriously the road on Ramadhan month is very challenging... Thats kinda 1 of the obsticle that we as muslim have to go thru year by year... Never fail...
so yah today I managed to wake up for sahur & get ready to go to work... Ate my supplement & lotsa water..
Dinah was behaving nicely at night.. Woke up once for milk & thats it...
yesterday iftar was ok... Mama cooked fried chicken, hubs bought samosa.... I ate rice & fried chicken... Thts was adequate for my hungry tummy mashaAllah...
No pic available so far.... Ouh ya,
I bought few stuffs from online... Will definately blog abt it later... I'm super excited... Since non of my exciting clothes fit me... :'(
I got few stuffs from Nuuna, Lyface, Lalina Boutique, Sookascarf, & also hnnh...
No plan for iftar other than at home yet...
Soon mb... Hubs got few invi from his department...
Ok then gtg duty calls....
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Iftar yg tertinggal
Salaam.... Hello people!
Eceh, title dah mcm cerekarama dah... Layan jela org puasa ni....
Mcm mana puasa so far? Baru 2 hari... Leklu... Still very early to say kn?
Kt office cafe dgn kedai mkn kedai mamak sume pakat lenggang jee...
Eh-eh maknanye all this while mmg islam jela yg ramai mkn? Majority...
Dkt tangga-tangga office pun dah kurang bau rokok... Harap2 lps puasa pun sama laaa... 2nd hand smoker tu sama je mcm nk bunuh diri tahu?? Tk fhm jgk dgn segelintir manusia-manusia selfish yg tk reti abt common courtesy.... Haiyaaa...
Nk bunuh diri jgn la babitkn org lain... Sila terasa!
Smlm hbs keje around 430 tp kena tggu Mr Hubby around 540 gitu... So nk balik mashaAllah hazab btul la jalan! Bikin stress je... Dr klcc to ampang took us almost 2 hours!!!! Kegilaan apakah ini????
Dah la kete2 sekeliling mcm all non muslim... & lps tu sms tgk2 phone time drive... Tension haku!!! Consider sket pls... Kami nk balik nk iftar niii....
I think gov patut buat law abt bulan puasa je non muslim kena kuar office earlier or later after iftar...
& yg muslim tu jgn la selfish... Balik ikut time... Bole ke gitu? Hehe... Kejam... Smpai rumah ajak la hibs pegi bazaar... Amboih! Sume benda dah hbs... Nk air kelapa dah hbs, putu piring gerai pun nan hado, nk beli murtabak queue kemain pjg...haih lagi.... Balik jela kita... Minum air kosong suda... Mkn kurma... Hbs cita.... Pastu lapar kang order mcd or i cook je...
Tp tula hubs mmg jarang nk mkn nasi... Nk roti dgn sup or roti dgn nuttella je...
Lps tu pagi no sahur terlajak! MashaAllah! Penat sgt mb... Nasib la hubs sempat minum air...
Bertabah la anakku, mommy nk puasa penuh tahun ni... Kita geng kan? Sepp sket!
Few more hours to go.... In shaa Allah la... Tahan sket...
Dulu time dinah lepak umah je... Now dah keje... Not very pleasant la kn... Penat dia overload...
Okla bye nk keje
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Ramadhan pertama
Today 1st day puasa pagi tadi bangun sahur still terpinga-pinga mcm 'eh2 nk buat apa ni? Nk mkn apa?' gitu la... Mr Hubby plak taknak mkn, nk minum susu & water je... So ok la... Biar dia tdow jap, nanti hantar susu & air dlm bilik... Mcm Dinah dah ni...
My routine pg td telan b-complex, pastu bancuh esp... Yuck!! Tk fhm la mcm mn org bole ckp esp tu sedap... Rasa mcm tepung je... Eiiiii... Tp nk shat kn.... Ku telan jua...
Dah bancuh tenggek kt sink tahan nafas minum laju-laju, takut kang terblueek plak... Skali hubs usap-usap belakang, kesian mungkin wifey kena paksa diri demi baby tersyg...
Seksa la klau kena telan benda yg kita tk suka....
Lps tu mkn kurma sebiji dgn apple juice.... Mkn supplement & lastly minum 1 glass air kosong..
Lps tu hubby sambung tdow..
Si kecik tu bgn every hour... Terkejut2 mommy dia... Risau jatuh katil...
Nangis nk susu, nangis panggil mommy nk peluk... Holoh2 manja dia ni.... Org bgn nk sahur dia pggil 'mommy2' okla okla mommy peluk dulu smpai ttdow balik then pegi sahur...
Dinah ni eventhough rapat dgn opah & daddy dia... Nk tdow ajak opah...
Bila mlm je cari mommy...
Sejuk je dgr....
Takpela anak, as long as u know mommy love u so much...
Dinah mmg most of the time dgn opah... So manja tu lebih la... Lagi plak mama mmg suka budak2...
Alhamdulillah sgt2 Allah bg mama yg syg bdk2... Mama siap ckp 'klau kau tkde anak/ tknk mama jaga anak kau biar mama ambek anak angkat' alah mama ni relaks la, tu dah ada dinah tu... Mama mmg tk bole berenggang dgn dinah... Klau tk jumpe sehari mlm tu mesti mama request nk tdow dgn dinah...
Hmmm... Ni nk tmbah lagi sorg... Kesian plak mama nk jaga sensorg... Maka marilah cr helper for mama... Tp tk bole la pegang anak-anak... Tlg kemas rumah cuci baju gitu jela... & balik hari... At least mama tk la letih sgt nk jaga 2 org cucu...
Eh ok melalut dah ni... Td cerita abt puasa...
Iftar nanti tk sure nk makan apa, tgk la selera hubs... Alhamdulillah dpt suami tk cerewet bab2 tertentu... Ringan tulang bantu wifey bt keje rumah... Tk duduk tgk tv je... Alhamdulillah... Allah bg sinar lps sakit bebrp kali...
Ok la nk sambung keje... Harap2 baby kt dlm mampu bertahan.. Be like ur kakak ok syg... Ur sister is a fighter... Ni la permata-permata yg Nina Zee ada... Cukup sempurna...
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Abah's tahlil
last sunday was abah's tahlil.....
we invited families & neighbours... nothing much...
while people was reciting du'a I was just sitting near the kitchen ( maklum ler mak buyung nak bersila bagai kang takleh nk bgn plak)
tomorrow is already Ramadhan...masha Allah... so fast...
praying for my lil one will bear few hours b4 iftar....

Thursday, July 4, 2013
Cravings & more
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Program Shopping Raya

Tahun ni ada 4 buah rumah anak-anak yatim yang terlibat, 266 penerima yang terdiri daripada anak yatim, anak yatim piatu, anak faqir miskin dan ibu tunggal dengan anak OKU antaranya....

1. Pertubuhan Baitul Ehsan Al-Khairi (Kuala Lumpur)
2. Rumah Anak Yatim At-Taqwa Putra Perdana, Puchong (Selangor
3. Pertubuhan Kebajikan Anak Yatim Semarak, Nilai (Negeri Sembilan)
4. Rumah Gemilang, Sik (Kedah)
Terdapat 3 cara macam mana korang boleh menjayakan projek ni.
1. Menaja seorang anak dengan nilai tajaan Rm188.
2. Menawarkan diri dan pasangan/kawan untuk sertai konvoi Shopping Raya di 4 lokasi tersebut pada tarikh yang akan di maklumkan.
3. Menyebarkan informasi projek ini supaya lebih ramai orang yang tau
so ok untuk yg cara 1st tu kalau korang ada kemampuan lebih & nak taja lebih dari sorang maka darabkan je RM188 dgn brp orang yg korang nak taja.
cara 2nd tu kira macam sukerelawan la... wajib umur 20 tahun ke atas. ada kereta n bawak co pilot sorang.
akan ada anak2 bawah jagaan korang. duit peruntukan akan di beri.
so kena la bantu anak-anak ni ke lokasi shopping (ngan kereta korang), bantu dorang shopping, assist apa patut n hantar balik ke rumah.
tapi if let say korang dah taja anak2 tu, tetiba rasa nak jadi sukarelawan jugak pun boleh je.
& dorang jgk perlukan
1. Rumah Gemilang, Sik (Kedah) akan membeli belah di Tesco Alor Setar pada 20 Julai 2013.
2. Pertubuhan Kebajikan Baitul Ehsan Al-Khairi, Taman Maluri (Kuala Lumpur) akan membeli-belah di Tesco Ampang pada 27 Julai 2013.
3. Pertubuhan Kebajikan Anak Yatim Semarak, Nilai (Negeri Sembilan) akan membeli belah di Tesco Nilai pada 27 Julai 2013.
4. Rumah Anak Yatim At-Taqwa Putra Perdana, Puchong (Selangor) akan membeli-belah di Tesco Nilai pada 27 Julai 2013.
ok dah tu je... sebar2kan lah..
Monday, July 1, 2013
our getaway
