hello korang, ok today kan friday kan??
& its the end of the month? so meaning by SALARY day!!!!
we all yg keje private ni gaji memang dpt betul2 end of the month & not early macam public servant.
but if end of the month tu fall on weekend, kiranya they will bagi awal la not late... best jgk la gitu...
I ok je as long as ada gaji...Alhamdulillah....
haiya, to talk about salary... every month after dpt je mesti kena keluarkan everything to pay EVERYTHING... seriusly, bills, house,car, etc....
so senang cite I need to find extra income....
nowadays memang kena carila... I love to sell stuffs....
dulu used to jual x10der, bags & shoes fron vietnam... every month wajib la turun vietnam ambek stock...
skrg ni nak turun pun tkleh da... mama busy...
now I'm thinking about selling children's clothes... dresses, legging,t-shirt.... kan dah nak raya kan...
tapi tula kena ada modal jgk... ada tak anyone ada cara nak dptkan short term loan... bkn nak pakai byk just to ambek stock....
ni nak masuk 2nd one so kena keje kuat sket... In shaa Allah rezeki Dinah & baby kan....
nak senang bukan senang, nak susah bukan susah.... rezeki tu ada cuma kita la kena usaha... melampau la nak senang tapi taknak usaha... lempang kang!
okla tu je selingan hari jumaat...
cantek2 sekalian dah order shawl cotton? jom la order design cantik... : )
pray for my family murah rezeki k? tq. ^_^
Friday, June 28, 2013
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Father's day celebration
Hello people... well seems like everybody talking about it... we don't really celebrate but anyway Nandos member card gave us a voucher for father's day... so we decided to take mama, bcuz usually every month we will take mama out for lunch or dinner.. so here goes...
Hello people... well seems like everybody talking about it... we don't really celebrate but anyway Nandos member card gave us a voucher for father's day... so we decided to take mama, bcuz usually every month we will take mama out for lunch or dinner.. so here goes...
mommy & daddy lil cheeky princess
jealous much? I was taking hubs & mama's pic together then she was jealous so she....
pull daddy & force mommy to snap her pic with daddy...
haiyeeee so manja la u...
people want to order she pun 'sibuk'
excited sbb nampak food
mommy pun!!
bambam ni besar sgt dah tau.. bijak sgt...
olo olo, see that naughty face...
pose 1 with mommy...
pose duck face with mommy
our food! MashaAllah that was a lot! we didn't even need to eat dinner....
last but not least, gangsta pose from daddy & Dinah!
Monday, June 24, 2013
Pre order wide cotton shawl
Salaam... Hello people! today nak promo few wide cotton shawl...
but its pre order based yah.... ETA early or mid of July...
Pre Order
PO will close on the 30th June
ETA : early or mid July
postage RM 7 for wm / RM10 for em
Mia Shawl (grey, orange, blue, cream)
Mia Shawl (pink, black, olive green)
Plain wide shawl
Luna Shawl
I've already ordered mine... Its super comfy & can definitely cover out aurah...
hurry order urs now!
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Dinah Nur
Hi lovely..... Happy Weekend people... what did u guys do today? hang out at home? or outside?
I was out early morning to get gift for my nephew's birthday... then went home for awhile let the hubs & le daughter to take a quick nap... as for me, laundry & tv...
then we off to birthday party....
anyway, took this few pic of le daughter....
Hi lovely..... Happy Weekend people... what did u guys do today? hang out at home? or outside?
I was out early morning to get gift for my nephew's birthday... then went home for awhile let the hubs & le daughter to take a quick nap... as for me, laundry & tv...
then we off to birthday party....
anyway, took this few pic of le daughter....
bought the bags online... as soon as I ripped off the package... she immediately took the bags...
hahah! so cute
like a diva....
this was taken last weekend... we went to AU2 for daddy's shopping & my watch... yayyy!
she just woke up.... a bit moody...
she can't fit in her stroller no more...yikes!

yippie! my watch... tq mr hubs!
breakfast in the morning.... ^_^v
weeeehuuuuu.... I look weird in the syria instant hijab... -_-''
haha! she was busy watching smurf....
till then...
Thursday, June 13, 2013
true friends are hard to find
Hello people, its thursday. one more day & its gonna be the weekends! hehe...
anyway, its been awhile since I write about my friends...
well I'm not a very socialize person & I will be close to the person if I feel comfortable...
meaning I would observe their behaviour. the way they speak to people the way they behave.
& if don't feel comfy I will just stay away from them... easy getaway..hehe...
I know I know its kinda judgemental right?
hey come on, I do get crazy & wacky but only with those I feel comfortable with...
even at work...
back in the day my cousins always called me 'anti-social' freak, which is true...
I don't mingle around much because I'm comfortable with that....
don't get me wrong, I love to talk.. trust me & ask those who are close to me.. I like to joke around....
I can say that I am a very reserved person.
alright then enough about me... lets talk about my dearest friends...
Some of us are still studying & also work & part time study... I'm the only one who is married & already a mother... I feel so old -_-''
we usually will meet up once in a month but depends on our availibility..
so yesterday I was talking to them via whatsapp & wechat
pray for my family murah rezeki k? tq. ^_^
Hello people, its thursday. one more day & its gonna be the weekends! hehe...
anyway, its been awhile since I write about my friends...
well I'm not a very socialize person & I will be close to the person if I feel comfortable...
meaning I would observe their behaviour. the way they speak to people the way they behave.
& if don't feel comfy I will just stay away from them... easy getaway..hehe...
I know I know its kinda judgemental right?
hey come on, I do get crazy & wacky but only with those I feel comfortable with...
even at work...
back in the day my cousins always called me 'anti-social' freak, which is true...
I don't mingle around much because I'm comfortable with that....
don't get me wrong, I love to talk.. trust me & ask those who are close to me.. I like to joke around....
I can say that I am a very reserved person.
alright then enough about me... lets talk about my dearest friends...
Some of us are still studying & also work & part time study... I'm the only one who is married & already a mother... I feel so old -_-''
we usually will meet up once in a month but depends on our availibility..
so yesterday I was talking to them via whatsapp & wechat
she just finished her exam yesterday... I'm not that close to her..
but hopin that will change... (dah tua2 ni kena matang sket)
she is a great friend... lots of emotion goin...
she got blog as well... go check
nothing much to say about her but she is very hardworking.
part time student as well.
she recently just started wearing hijab.
mashaAllah I'm just so happy for her.
she is so cheerful & happy.
love being around her...
full time student. very active in he uni.
she is now at langkawi.
waaaaa! chocolate heaven!
a newly wed.
Sayla (the one in yellow)
student as well.
thats all for now.. I just miss them so much... after becoming mother I don't really have time to go out & chill with them... kinda sad really but its a small sacrifice I have to make for my family... whatever it is we will be friends till the end.... In shaa Allah...
pray for my family murah rezeki k? tq. ^_^
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Fast & Furious 6
Salaam... Hello people! How r u feeling this morning? me? usual..haha....
I'm tired these few days... cravings macam-macam... Nandos la Burger la steak la...phew! payah nak layan...
soon its gonna be Ramadhan... MashaAllah.... rindunyeeee.... can't wait to wake up for sahur & can't wait for buka puasa... this year In sha Allah nak puasa full lagi... tq baby! bcuz of u mommy can puasa penuh so no need to ganti... raya pun syiok sket....
btw actually nak story about something else...
u guys dah tengok Fast & Furious 6?

we all dah tengok...yayyyyy! best gila!!!! sukeee... I love cars, fast car... dulu time college & degree people yg pernah naik kete dgn I would know...hehe... now dah cannot drive like that... Mr Hubs pun drive slow je... -_-'' eh2, hubs tak drive macam tu tau sbb wifey dia preggy sajork thts why kena slow down...actually lemme tell u smtg... I have a crush on Dominic Toretto aka Vin Diesel la! hehe... gosh he is just so cool.. susah nak tgk dia senyum... uish! cair2...
awww! malu : )
Mr Hubs jealous ok..haha... masa we went to watch this movie whenever this guy appeared on the screen he would always say ' baby eat ur popcorn...' Its like saying don't look at him that long... ;p
then 2 days before his birthday he did this
focus on the hair pleaseeeeee.... teeheeeee! botak oledi...
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Hubs bornday
Last sunday was Mr. Husband's bornday...
so we decided to go out with dearest... cuz the weekend before hubs was a bit unwell so Dinah didnt have the chance to go out....
early morning we went to Sogo for hubs shopping spree... bought him a working pants, jeans...
He has been requesting for work pants & jeans for such a long time.... & so since he is the birthday boy... we 'layan' je k...
spent almost 4 hours there..haha! hubby go crazyyyyyyy!
once in awhile kan baby??
didnt managed to snap any pic there were too many people...
right after shopping we plan to go eat... I suggested Chillis... we choose Chillis at KLCC since that was the nearest...
we are becoming so old & rusty... plus I'll get tired easily...haihhhhh....
we reached there & there was already few people in line we had to wait around 20 min....
so we decided to walk around...
mommy & Dinah..
she look so cheeky don't her?
pic with daddy.. see the shirt? tht was his birthday gift..
suprise him with pavlova & gift right at 12am..
just me & him since Dinah slept...
show teeth!
mommy & Dinah again!
don't u think she look like that cartoon Sailor Moon?
& at last we were seated at the cushion place....weeehuuuuu!
haha... would u just look at her.... banyak mulut! gerammmm...
eh mommy with 'pau' cheek... I wonder why people can even question whether I am pregnant or not...
like that milo ads said ' membesar bagai juara'
chicken & fries for lil cheeky...
uish! mommy is enjoying the food...
we ordered quite lot of food...
southwestern eggroll, buffolo wings, honey crispy chicken, lamb steak...
yummy chicken!!
people around were so ' geram' of her... few people next to out table even took pic of her...
alahai anak kecik2 dah ada fans... besar nanti macam mana tah...
risau -_-''
after that we went to the fountain... yippie!
Dinah was mesmerized by the water...
look at her kepoh
& right after we got home we suprise daddy again with Baskin Robbin ice cream cake...
so happy looking at him that day... I just love to suprise him....
few days before his birthday I kept on saying 'I'm sorry baby I don't have any plan for u we'll go out & eat yah...' & he really thought that I don't have anytg prepared for him... how could I let your very special day be plain & dull baby...
just hope that u'll be happy & enjoy that day as much as I am...
^ _^v
Happy Birthday baby,
a year older & wiser I must say
May Allah bless u with health happiness & wealth
In shaa Allah...
praying that we will grow old together till jannah...
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